ConocoPhillips Scandinavia started production from Tor II, a redevelopment of Tor field previously on production from 1978 through 2015. It is the first redevelopment of a shut-in field on the Norwegian Continental Shelf and is starting up 12 months after approval of the plan for development and operation by the Norwegian authorities.

Tor is a unitized chalk field in licenses PL018 and PL006 in Blocks 2/4 and 2/5, about 13 km northeast of Ekofisk. Tor II is a two-by-four slot Subsea Production System (SPS) with eight production wells. The SPS is connected to the Ekofisk Complex by multiphase production and gas lift pipelines to existing risers at the Ekofisk 2/4 M wellhead platform. Controls and utilities are provided through a service umbilical from the same platform. New greenfield facilities lie 1 km west of the original Tor platform with no connection to the shut-in facilities.

Seven production wells are planned in the Tor formation. In addition, one pilot well is planned to test long-term productivity in the Ekofisk formation. Resource potential for the Tor II project is 60-70 MMboe. Two wells are now producing, and remaining wells will consecutively be put on production in the coming months, the company said.

Total capital investments are estimated at 6.4 billion kroner.

ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS is operator of Tor Unit (30.66%), with partners Total E&P Norge AS (48.20%), Vår Energi AS (10.82%), Equinor Energy AS (6.64%), and Petoro AS (3.69%).

